The Wow! Signal: Aliens or a Cosmic Coincidence?

3 min readSep 10, 2024
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Okay, let’s talk about one of the most mind-bending moments in space history-the Wow! signal. If you’ve never heard of it, you’re in for a treat! Back in 1977, a radio telescope known as Big Ear picked up a powerful, narrowband radio signal from deep space. It was so out of the ordinary that astronomer Jerry Ehman circled the printout and scribbled “Wow!” next to it, giving the signal its now-iconic name.

For decades, the Wow! signal was like the holy grail for alien hunters. It came from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, at a frequency (1,420 MHz) associated with hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe. To many, it was the perfect candidate for an interstellar “hello” from another civilization. But here’s the thing-no one ever detected it again.

It was a one time event — Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

So, what gives? Was it aliens? Or just some kind of weird space noise?

Credit: The Ohio History Connection Collections.

Enter, the new hypothesis:

A fresh explanation has come onto the scene that could put the alien theory to rest. According to recent research led by planetary astrobiologist Abel Méndez and…




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